Skratky epizód
V inetnetovej komunikácii najme v zahraničí, no i u nás na zvyknú častejšie používať acronymá, iniciály namiesto plných názvov konkrétnych epizód. Tu nájdete celý zoznam skratiek pre lepšiu otrientáciu.
01 /101 | Sins of the Past | SOTP |
02 /102 | Chariots of War | COW |
03 /103 | Dreamworker | DW |
04 /104 | Cradle of Hope | COH |
05 /105 | The Path Not Taken | TPNT |
06 /106 | The Reckoning | TR |
07 /107 | The Titans | TT |
08 /108 | Prometheus | P |
09 /109 | Death in Chains | DIC |
10 /110 | Hooves and Harlots | HAH |
11 /111 | The Black Wolf | TBW |
12 /112 | Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts | BGBG |
13 /113 | Athens City Academy of the Peforming Bards | ACAOTPB |
14 /114 | A Fistful of Dinars | AFOD |
15 /115 | Warrior... Princess | WP |
16 /116 | Mortal Beloved | MB |
17 /117 | The Royal Couple of Thieves | TRCOT |
18 /118 | The Prodigal | TP |
19 /119 | Altared States | AS |
20 /120 | Ties That Bind | TTB |
21 /121 | The Greater Good | TGG |
22 /122 | Callisto | C |
23 /123 | Death Mask | DM |
24 /124 | Is There a Doctor in the House? | ITADITH |
Druhá séria
25 /201 | Orphan of War | OOW |
26 /202 | Remember Nothing | RN |
27 /203 | The Giant Killer | TGK |
28 /204 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun | GJWHF |
29 /205 | Return Of Callisto | ROC |
30 /206 | Warrior...Princess...Tramp | WPT |
31 /207 | Intimate Stranger | IS |
32 /208 | Ten Little Warlords | TLW |
33 /209 | A Solstice Carol | ASC |
34 /210 | The Xena Scrolls | TXS |
35 /211 | Here She Comes ... Miss Amphipolis | HSCMA |
36 /212 | Destiny | D |
37 /213 | The Quest | TQ |
38 /(14 | A Necessary Evil | ANE |
39 /215 | A Day In The Life | ADITL |
40 /216 | For Him The Bell Tolls | FHTBT |
41 /217 | The Execution | TE |
42 /218 | Blind Faith | BF |
43 /219 | Ulysses | U |
44 /220 | The Price | TP |
45 /221 | Lost Mariner | LM |
46 /222 | A Comedy Of Eros | ACOE |
Tretia séria
47 /301 | The Furies | TF |
48 /302 | Been There, Done That | BTDT |
49 /303 | The Dirty Half Dozen | TDHD |
50 /304 | The Deliverer | TD |
51 /305 | Gabrielle's Hope | GH |
52 /306 | The Debt, Part I | TD |
53 /307 | The Debt, Part II | TD 2 |
54 /308 | The King of Assassins | TKOA |
55 /309 | Warrior... Priestess... Tramp | WPT |
56 /310 | The Quill Is Mightier... | TQIM |
57 /311 | Maternal Instincts | MI |
58 /312 | The Bitter Suite | TBS |
59 /313 | One against an Army | OAAA |
60 /314 | Forgiven | F |
61 /315 | King Con | KC |
62 /316 | When in Rome... | WIR |
63 /317 | Forget Me Not | FMN |
64 /318 | Fins, Femmes and Gems | FFAG |
65 /319 | Tsunami | T |
66 /320 | Vanishing Act | VA |
67 /321 | Sacrifice, Part I | SAC 1 |
68 /322 | Sacrifice, Part II | SAC 2 |
Štvrtá séria
69 /401 | Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part I | AITST 1 |
70 /402 | Adventures in the Sin Trade, Part II | AITST 2 |
71 /403 | A Family Affair | AFA |
72 /404 | In Sickness and in Hell | ISAIH |
73 /405 | A Good Day | AGD |
74 /406 | A Tale of Two Muses | ATOTM |
75 /407 | Locked Up and Tied Down | LUATD |
76 /408 | Crusader | C |
77 /409 | Past Imperfect | PI |
78 /410 | Key to the Kingdom | KTTK |
79 /411 | Daughter of Pomira | DOP |
80 /412 | If the Shoe Fits... | ITSF |
81 /413 | Paradise Found | PF |
82 /414 | Devi | D |
83 /415 | Between the Lines | BTL |
84 /416 | The Way | TW |
85 /417 | The Play's the Thing | TPTT |
86 /418 | The Convert | TC |
87 /419 | Takes One to Know One | TOTKO |
88 /420 | Endgame | EG |
89 /421 | The Ides of March | IOM |
90 /422 | Deja Vu All Over Again | DVAOA |
Piata séria
91 /501 | Fallen Angel | FA |
92 /502 | Chakram | C |
93 /503 | Succession | S |
94 /504 | Animal Attraction | AA |
95 /505 | Them Bones, Them Bones | TBTB |
96 /506 | Purity | P |
97 /507 | Back in the Bottle | BITB |
98 /508 | Little Problems | LP |
99 /509 | Seeds of Faith | SOF |
100 /510 | Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire | LLHOF |
101 /511 | Punch Lines | PL |
102 /512 | God Fearing Child | GFC |
103 /513 | Eternal Bonds | EB |
104 /514 | Amphipolis under Seige | AUS |
105 /515 | Married with Fishsticks | MWF |
106 /516 | Lifeblood | LB |
107 /517 | Kindred Spirits | KS |
108 /518 | Antony and Cleopatra | AAC |
109 /519 | Looking Death in the Eye | LDITE |
110 /520 | Livia | L |
111 /521 | Eve | E |
112 /522 | Motherhood | MH |
Šiesta séria
113 /601 | Coming Home | CH |
114 /602 | The Haunting of Amphipolis | THOA |
115 /603 | Heart of Darkness | HOD |
116 /604 | Who's Gurkhan? | WG |
117 /605 | Legacy | L |
118 /606 | The Abyss | TA |
119 /607 | The Rheingold | TR |
120 /608 | The Ring | TR |
121 /609 | The Return of the Valkyrie | TROTV |
122 /610 | Old Ares Had A Farm | OAHAF |
123 /611 | Dangerous Prey | DP |
124 /612 | The God You Know | TGYK |
125 /613 | You Are There | YAT |
126 /614 | Path of Vengeance | POV |
127 /615 | To Helicon and Back | THAB |
128 /616 | Send in the Clones | SITC |
129 /617 | The Last of the Centaurs | TLOTC |
130 /618 | When Fates Collide | WFC |
131 /619 | Many Happy Returns | MHR |
132 /620 | Soul Possession | SP |
133 /621 | Friend in Need, Part 1 | FIN 1 |
134 /622 | Friend in Need, Part 2 | FIN 2 |